The other day at work I spent a little (ok a lot) of time daydreaming about packing up my sweet baby girl in the stroller and walking through the park in the summer sunshine. It's starting to get warm and summery which always tends to have a very positive effect on my mood :) Now I'm finally getting around to adding some pictures & it's a cold and rainy Wednesday morning. Oh well, these are making my morning better.

We just LOVE us some sunshine around here. These shots are from last Thursday when Milo & I decided to do some serious sabbathing (you know, like a Sabbath day- only a verb)and just bask in the lovely summerness! Here's one of my perma-swollen feet. So sad. I think my least favorite part of pregnancy so far is the swollen feet... I know I've had it pretty easy if that's the worst (well & the heartburn is no bueno) but I've seriously burst into uncontrollable tears over cankles on more than one occasion the past few weeks. Poor Hunter.

We just LOVE us some sunshine around here. These shots are from last Thursday when Milo & I decided to do some serious sabbathing (you know, like a Sabbath day- only a verb)and just bask in the lovely summerness! Here's one of my perma-swollen feet. So sad. I think my least favorite part of pregnancy so far is the swollen feet... I know I've had it pretty easy if that's the worst (well & the heartburn is no bueno) but I've seriously burst into uncontrollable tears over cankles on more than one occasion the past few weeks. Poor Hunter.
Anyway, back to daydreaming about sweet sundresses, sparkly headbands & teeny baby bikinis. Only 5 more weeks to go!! (Well... 5-7 I hear but we're being optimistic k?) That girl is already so spoiled! I have baby shower pictures still to post AND more pictures of her sweet sweet room! That's right, we did it!! HUGE thank you to Shea, Brooke, Jana & Mom. Of all the places in the whole world to have to stay up all night comforting a crying baby... this room would be where I would choose :) I think Lily will love it so much she'll just snooze the night away and never cry. ha!
Well, I'm off to coffee and craft with Alyssa. I'm SO excited! She embroidered the CUTEST little onesie and she's going to teach me how to make more. So fun :) Plus I'm already way behind on this. Oops. I tend to see things on blogs, get super excited about them, talk about how I'll do them too. And then remember that every minute of my day is booked. But, not to worry. I'll be making some baby girl clothes today and perhaps tomorrow I'll get back to this quilt project that I almost forgot about!