Well no. I'm not quitting! I'm back on the blog wagon. It's resolution time and seeing as I'm 16 weeks with child I can't exactly go with the 'ol "workout more and lose 10 pounds". That's right. I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now... but if not. I'M PREGNANT!! And keeping the biggest secret of my life for almost 3 months gave me mega writer's block. It's not the greatest of excuses but it's mine. So...
I don't know if there are any other Independence Day enthusiasts out there but in the words of Randy Quaid "I'm baaaaaaaaaack"! And I'm resolving to resolving to blog a minimum of once a week this year. I've promised belly pics and regular updates for grandmas, aunts, etc and I've been inspired by a mama blogger who had her blog made into a book! I've never even heard of that but how great. I'm afraid I may be a bit of a disappointment to my mama the greatest scrapbooker I know but I just can't keep up. I love the idea of keeping a photo journal here and having it as a book someday. I also want a new look for this thing but I'm still working on it. So for now I went with a clean slate. I wish you all the happiest of New Years! Drink a little extra champagne for me ;)