
Thursday, March 10, 2011


That was just my attention grabber today. I've been getting harassed about posting pictures of my hot bod so there ya have it. Moving on to the fun stuff!

I LOVE a good before/after. I mean who doesn't? I'm not a huge tv watcher but my favorite is the last 5 minutes of a home makeover show or even just a good old fashioned makeover... Not to mention The Biggest Loser Finale! Anyway, I have some doozy before pictures of our new place :) It came with some cray-zy paint jobs. Since it's just a rental we can't do any major overhauls but paint was a definite MUST. So without any further ado, our kitchen before:

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures before the maintenance guy primed it but you would have loved the neon green! And now for the after(ish). I apologize it's not as dramatic without the full effect but we'll call this phase 1.

I'm fairly obsessed with AQUA everything and I used the best gift ever as an inspiration color for my new kitchen. It's an extremely small kitchen so I decided I had the right to go bold with the color. Sweet Bekah helped me paint the whole thing and is coming back for more next Friday. What a great friend! The cabinets are going white in round 2 and hopefully very soon we'll have some new cabinet additions on the other side (so I'll wait on those pictures).

Finally, one more of the baby belly. It's really lovely I know. Hunter got me at work in my paintin' clothes. I don't exactly have any maternity sized old paint t-shirts lying around... so as you can see this one's working pretty hard :) This is in the living room, but that's for another day.

*I must note that Hunter didn't want me posting this picture for fear he would be judged as a bad husband for letting his pregnant wife paint. Not to worry folks. I did my homework and painted with every window and door wide open. Not to mention I took frequent breaks and used Olympic's no VOC/ low fume paint. It doesn't even smell like paint in here people. I swear! Painting is extremely therapeutic and rewarding to me and I'm very glad it was safe for me to tackle and one less thing to have to pass over to hubby :)


  1. Did you ever see the oven and stove in our old house? They would have been perfect in that kitchen. They were the exact same color.


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